November 10th is Stewardship Sunday
On this day, we will make pledges to the work of God’s Kingdom through this church for 2023. I encourage you during this time to prayerfully consider the financial commitment you will make to support the work of God’s Church through Cleveland First UMC.
The mission of Cleveland First United Methodist Church is to “Win people to Christ, involve people in ministry, and nurture all people.” This mission reflects the Great Commission given to us by Christ in Matthew 28 to go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations. In Mark 12 Jesus gives us the Great Commandment to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Our giving reflects a commitment to be a part of the work God is doing using the resources God has entrusted to us. This budget of the church reflects the discernment of the appointed church leadership for ministry needs for 2023 so we can fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. However, our giving is also a recognition that all we have comes from God.
All of us have an important role to play in the building up of God’s Kingdom through God’s Church, and when we take seriously how God is calling us to give and serve, this church and God’s Kingdom will grow.
In his sermon titled “The Use of Money,” the founder of Methodism, John Wesley gave the admonition to “Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.” This admonition reflects the proper use of the many different resources God has given to us.
Will you do your part? Will you give in response to all God has given you? And will your give so that in all of the ways represented here and beyond we can go and make disciples for God’s Kingdom?
Ways to Give
Below is a “Step-Up” chart showing how easy it is to increase your giving. Each of us doing our part adds up to a greater impact when combined together, and God adds His increase to our faithfulness as well.